Thank You Chippewa Hills Board Members

January is School Board Recognition Month. This is a time to recognize the individuals who approach their volunteer work like it is a full-time job and with extraordinary dedication to public schools. They are citizens whose decisions affect our children and build our community.

School board members provide leadership, guidance and decision-making that are crucial in shaping the future of our students and providing them with the best opportunities to learn and grow. They are true superheroes contributing to the success of our students.

School boards are charged with making decisions that can sometimes be quite difficult or require sifting through a great deal of information. Their job is to establish a vision for the education program, design a structure to achieve that vision, ensure schools are accountable to the community and strongly advocate for continuous improvement in student learning. The job of a school board member is tough, the hours long and the thanks few and far between. Too often we are quick to criticize school board members without really understanding the complex nature of their decisions. We have to remember to take time to thank them for their untiring efforts.

This month, we encourage all members of the community to thank a board member. Take this  opportunity to show our year-round appreciation for these servant leaders and begin to better understand how local trustees work together to prepare today’s students to be tomorrow’s leaders. We encourage you to join with others throughout our community, state and nation to salute the individuals who provide grassroots governance of public schools.

The men and women serving Chippewa Hills School District are:

Anthony Gibson, Guy Stickler, Amanda Cornell, Meagan Randall, Sherry Anderson, Lionel MacKenzie, and Brenda Donley.

Thank you to our Chippewa Hills Board of Education members for their devotion to our students and community!